Friday, October 22, 2010

Chapter 3-early electronic music in the U.S.

Monday, we had our second assessment for the course. For this assessment there were five question, of which we got to chose three and focus on those questions. First question I chose was on the Mellotron, which I believe I did a fairly good job answering that question, although I ended up spending so much time talking about the Mellotron that I didn't have enough sufficient time to answer the other two questions in enough detail; so, overall, unfortunately, I don't believe I'm going to end up with a good grade for this assessment.  I seriously need to invest in a watch and limit myself on equal time for each question. That would be a good idea.  Then, for this upcoming Monday, my partner and I have to have come up with a proposal as to what we are going to do our presentation on; this is something I'm a little nervous about, because I still have no idea what to present on. But it's okay, we'll figure something out by Monday.

Anyways, this past week are on some notes that I took about John Cage (1912-92) and early electronic music in the United States.  John Cage also happened to be on of the other questions I chose for the assessment, and I know that if I had given myself more time, I would have done an awesome job on that question.  Instead of writing out my notes, however, I decided to scan and attach my notes into the blog (because there are 9 pages worth of notes from this chapter, making it a little hard to copy). It seems the blog won't let me attach my notes onto this site, so I ended up just putting the scans of my notes onto a website here

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